The Coffee Business: Maxx Coffee


Starbucks (Nasdaq:SBUX) has become a staple for big cities. It’s brand color green is already well known that people wouldn’t mind using a similar green to label their brand of coffee. Starbucks’ Indonesian competitor named Maxx Coffee uses a drawing of an owl in a green circle symbol as their corporate logo. At a glance, one could not help to think of Starbucks when seeing a Maxx Coffee logo. [Continue reading]

SBUX Features Indonesian Coconut in North America


Warung Kopi Mbah Sakijah in Blora, Central Java is an Indonesian coffee stall known for kopi santan, a cup of coffee served with coconut milk. Warung Kopi Mbah Sakijah is now a famous culinary tourism destination. It’s been featured in a variety of media outlets like Kompas newspaper, Suara Merdeka, and Net TV. Earlier this year, Starbucks Corporation (Nasdaq: SBUX) began selling a modern version of Mbah Sakijah’s kopi santan. SBUX launched its new, non-dairy product known as the single-origin Sumatra coconut milk in North America on Feb. 17. The Sumatran single-origin coconut milk is now available in most SBUX outlets the U.S. and Canada. [Continue reading]

Indonesia’s Expectations from the 2015 SIAL Canada Trade Event


Twenty-six Indonesian companies expected to generate a potential transaction of 10 million USD during the 2015 Salon International de l’Alimentation (SIAL) Canada. SIAL Canada is an international agro-food industry event. It was held from April 28 to 30 in Toronto and Indonesia was the country of honor for the 2015 SIAL Canada. [Continue reading]

The 2015 May Day Review


Approximately 150,000 workers from the greater Jakarta—Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi—joined the May Day celebration rally in Jakarta on Friday last week. Those who attended are affiliated with the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Union (KSPI), the Confederation of All Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPSI), the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Labour Union (KSBSI), and the Preparatory Committee of All Indonesian United Workers Confederation (KP-KPBI). The workers expressed what they refer to as 10 basic demands:[Continue reading]

Indonesian Books Publication Industry: Overview


The Indonesian Publisher Association (IKAPI) claims that there are 1,314 publishers in Indonesia as per 2013. Most of these publication companies are privately owned, but one of them is a stated-owned enterprise, i.e., PT Balai Pustaka. IKAPI also pointed out that most of the publishers are located in Java. The majority of them publish textbooks, books for children, religious books, fiction, and literature. [Continue reading]

Cosmetics Industry: Conversation with Wulan Tilaar


Sari Ayu is one of the oldest Indonesian cosmetic brands produced by PT. Martina Berto Tbk (IDX:MBTO) of the Martha Tilaar Group. MBTO was established on June 1977. Today it has 13 brands targeting different segments of cosmetic consumers. On Friday (April 17), we spoke exclusively with Wulan Tilaar Widarto, the vice chairwoman of the Martha Tilaar Group. [Continue reading]

Questions for Indonesia’s Coffee Industry


The Indonesian coffee industry is facing a tough choice. Indonesia can sell smaller quantity of coffee to the American and European market with a premium, but both market require the Indonesian coffee industry to develop a sustainable business practice. Or, Indonesia can opt for the easy choices, i.e., selling larger quantities at a low price to the People’s Republic of China, who may not be as invested in the economic well-being of Indonesian coffee growers. [Continue Reading]

Kristiono, the New Chairman of the Indonesian ICT Society


The Indonesian Information and Technology Society (Mastel) has just appointed the former President Director of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (IDX: TLKM), Kristiono, as its chairman for the 2015 to 2018 period. Kristiono replaced Setyanto P. Santoso, who has been serving as Mastel’s chairman for two three-year periods. [Continue reading]

A Move toward Coffee Agrotourism


The Indonesian government tried to promote the country’s tourism at the 57th Brussel Holiday Fair. They were targeting European Union tourist through Indonesian speciality coffee—Sumatra coffee, Toraja coffee, Bali coffee and also Papua coffee—, capitalizing on the fact that Indonesia is one of the largest exporters of coffee to European Union countries. [Continue reading]